Rythm33, April 8th, 2010
@Basespace, SAIC
Third entry in my first week. I am in a state of airy flowery excitement. Addicted to listening to Eurovision songs on Grooveshark.
Saturday, site visit to Benton House, Version festival Expo coming up next weekend. ABC collective.
Meetings to be set up with the artists. Sculpt Social, Wednesday.
Re:this project:(Questions of penalties have been raised. Adding to contract: Penalty: for each entry not submitted on any given week, an extra entry will be added the following week. This applies to photo and video documentation).
Sunday. In bed, writing, black coffee, home baked cookies by Santina Amato. Internet. Deadlines. Organization. Distraction: youtube. Many many things to do> paralysed. Searching for new opportunities. will not apply. Good to know.
Chicago Art Resource, NYFA, Transartists. Possibilities?
Rejections: Robert Wilson's residency at Watermill, Long Island, NYC.
Currently reading:
1.When Marina Abramovic Dies,A Biography, by James Westcott, 2010
2.Essays on blurring of art and life, Allan Kaprow, ed by Jeff Kelley, 1993
3.Naked by the window, the fatal marriage of Carl Andre and Ana Mendieta, by Robert Katz, 1990
4.Writing as sculpture, 1978-1987, by Louwrien Wijers, 1996
Browsing reading:
1. The Lovers, exhibition catalogue by Marina Abramovic and Ulay, 1989
2. Out of now, the lifeworks of Tehching Hsieh, Adrien Heathfield, 2009
3. The Biogrpahy of Biogrpahies, Marina Abramovic, 2004
4. Have you seen the horizon lately, Yoko Ono, 1997
5. Marina Abramovic, House with the ocean view, 2004
6. Joseph Beuys, Coyote, Caroline Tisdall, 1976/2008
7. Fantastic politics, Art in time of Crisis,2007
8. Joseph Cornell's, theater of the mind, 2000
9. Tatlin, ed Larisa Alekseevna Zhadova, 1988
10. The bust guide to new girl order, ed Marcelle Karp, Debbie Stoller, 1999
Essay: art history subject- time as event:
Chantal Akerman:
1. Bordering on fiction: Chantal Akerman's D'est, 1995
2. Nothing happens: Chantal Akerman's Hyper realist Everyday, Ivone Marguilis, 1996
3, Matter and memory, Bergson, 1970
4. Monuments and memory, made and unmade, Robert.S.Nelson and Margaret Olin, 2003
5. Merleau -Ponty, Phenomenology of perception, 2008
6. The way of love, Luce Irigaray, 2002
7. The unfinished system of non-knowledge, Georges Bataille, 2001
Pleasure reading:
1.Collected poems by Emily Dickinson
2.Andy Warhol: the philosophy of Andy Warhol , from a to b and back again
Attended Live Lectures this week:
by Ryan Trecartin
by Guillermo Gomez - Pena (lecture performance)
Ryan Trecartin's videos online,
Snippets of Chantal Akerman's D'est online
DVD Movies:
Piano Teacher, Funny games and Hidden by Michael Haneke.
Overwhelmed by recent subway suicide bombings in Moscow. Relatives in Moscow, scared. Talk to parents.
No television.
New week tomorrow. Two weeks before Spring Critique. Preparation.
20 page art history essay. Performance in class tomorrow.23 min piece.
Documentation.Blond, wig, nightgown.
Continue Drawing practice.Drawing with: coffee, wine, urine, vodka, pomegranate juice, lemon juice, onion juice, garlic juice, olive oil.Body machinery, body mechanics, culture of trashy culture.
Small sculptures.Sculpting with: Stale bread, plaster, found small objects, found paper, glue, blankets.