Saturday, October 2, 2010
THIRTY ONE: untitled or instructions for a hungry mouth.
Katya Grokhovsky, Untitled, 2010
photo Andrew Green
Instructions for a hungry mouth.
Stand still and chew nothing. Repeat. 1301 times.
That's where I come in.
That's where I live.
Stand still and drink a cup of coffee for 7 hours. That is for your own good.
Do not move an inch or a millimetre.
All will be forgiven and forgotten.
I am conscious and steady , stand still. Give up.
Stand still and purse your lips. Hold for 3 hours.
Speak French or French you think is French continuously for 13 hours.
Hold it.
Stand still and stick your tongue out. Hold for one hour.
Jump up and down and laugh heartily for 30 seconds.
Stand still, open your mouth, blow air. Repeat 100 times.
You will learn eventually.
Stand still. Smile wide. Hold. 10 hours. You are allowed to pace the room.
Do not live the room. Peeing station is located inside the room. You are in the bathroom.
Open your mouth. Hold it. Still. 5 hours. Do not close your mouth under any circumstances.
You are allowed to move around and go about your business as usual with an open mouth.
Eat an onion, a lemon, a cucumber and a strawberry all at the same time. GO!
Chew it all together. Swallow.
Drink a bottle of red wine in one minute.
Drink a bottle of vodka in 5 hours.
Drink a bottle of whiskey in 10 minutes.
Clean your teeth with your tongue for 3 hours. do not stop.
All will be fine.
Whistle a tune. 7 hours.
Do not stop whistling, whatever you do.
Talk in any language, except the one you use everyday. 3 days.
Scream softly, followed by hard swallowing. repeat. twelve hundred times.
Move your tongue in side your mouth in circles for an hour. Repeat. relax.
Once again, open your mouth and spit.
1300 times.
Run and stop abruptly. Make an angry face. Hold.
5 hours.
drink a large container of water in 1 second.
Eat a whole large watermelon without using any utensils whatsoever.
Eat a whole pomegranate and promptly put two fingers deep down your throat.
Jump very high and sing a very sad song at the same time. Jump for the duration of the song.
Stand still and whisper sexual innuendos.
Come up with 1oo words and say them for 2 hours repeatedly. Keep whispering.
Smile a little.