This project is a yearlong online written and visual document of my voyage towards completion of my MFA at School of the Art Institute of Chicago in May 2011.

RYTHM33, April 8th, 2010

RYTHM33, April 8th, 2010
photo:Miao Jiaxin

Saturday, April 9, 2011

fifty eight: Almost and fulfilling and sugary satisfaction on the Day of Birthday

Katya Grokhovsky, 2011, Untitled(heroic)

Constructed illuminations, whilst I blow that candle of my Birthday.

Post-relational automatics and I contrive this to be all:
tiny wishes coming true, everything is riding on this one small plastic candle, the light of which highlights my unspoken gratitude. A piece of cheesecake, on the house, it tastes of the years full of opportunities: smallest details and extreme loveliness of the future, promised and forgiven.
Thank you for all and to be and to come again, and to feel once again for all your true roaming hearts. Once upon a time, once again and surely, neverending, the fairytale starts.


Critical and subjective, whilst I softly whisper:
so lucky so lucky

And the desire to jump out of my glowing skin smelling like Dior, Miss
Auto-love, auto-addiction, I blame self for I am,


memorial to multiplicity and others: hopefully
hopeless monuments
the altar of my sacrificed and treasured past
undefinable nation
flickered lights of theories
heavy sounds

historical and heroic classicism of unimaginable passions
you posses nothing
gently gently
your red balloon
your ornamental present
careful careful
they suffer hard
they play strongly against your will
Liberty leading the people: she said, impending doom foreboding
said to be true
to what end this happens to be true
did I find
Did I find a place for us: for you ?
our father and parental guidance have been extreme and I build you a gold platform to stand on and be treasured and trash your senses to the streets
the streets full of music
yours mindfully
sound of, Oh Russia,
talk to their souls
Yes, souls, I utilize the word here as necessity of my Romantic hope.

in the buildings, they camp and nest

wait, touch, look, LOOK at me, look, stare, I accept
fearful, slight, greedy, impatient, I open the book